Maritime workers face different kinds of dangers in the sea. In most cases, maritime workers suffer injuries as a result of negligence. Most of these injuries can be prevented as long as safety precautions are instilled. Things like wet stairs, defective equipment, unsecured loads, and dangerous conditions can cause severe injuries, and in worst cases, death. It is for these reasons that maritime lawyers are committed to helping people protect their rights and overcome the hardships they face while in the sea. Here are common questions that people ask about Maritime law.
What does maritime law entail?
The work of maritime law is to regulate navigation, commerce, shipping, recreational and towage vessels in both international and domestic waters. It deals with things related to maritime tasks like insurance and liens. The work of the law is to protect workers in these vessels and ensure they get financially compensated in cases of illnesses or injuries acquired while working. This part of the law is complicated and requires professionals to have specific skills and knowledge beyond those of a normal personal injury lawyer.
Where does the law apply?
Accidents that happen in maneuverable waters are considered under the jurisdiction of maritime law. This is regardless of the type of water body that the accident occurs. As long as the water is navigable, the incident falls under this jurisdiction.
Who can be held liable?
Apart from the vessel owner and employer, it is also possible to hold another third party liable for the accidents. However, this option depends on the details you have about the negligence of the third party. Third parties can include maintenance firms, equipment suppliers and manufacturers, and other contractors on the ship.
Who is in control of maritime law?
This part of the law can be a bit complicated for many people. This is why the Supreme Court handles the cases related to maritime injuries. Therefore, the law includes a wide scope of admiralty issues, including those related to recreational vessels.
What is Jones Act?
This act was passed in 1920 to ensure maritime workers are protected when working. The act offers protection to workers who spend more than 30% of their time on water vessels, including riverboats, crew boats, tug, and barges. Any person who works towards the operation of the water vessel is also covered under this act. They include people working on docks, cargo loaders, and maintenance crew.
Does the Jones Act have a statute of limitations?
The Jones Act allows workers injured in the line of duty to sue the people responsible within three years from the time the accident happened. However, there are several exceptions. For instance, if the worker was operating a vessel that belongs to the US government, they may have a short time to file their case. If you were exposed to dangerous materials like asbestos and did not realize it until later, the statute of limitation will be extended for three years from the time you discovered the injury.
In conclusion, these are crucial things covered in maritime law. If you are a maritime worker, it is vital to learn about the law to understand your rights and if you are involved in an accident, call a maritime lawyer to help you.