A lot of us today have websites and webpages on which we use free sourced codes, including fonts such as Abmahnung Google Fonts. However, if you use an open-source code such as a Google Fonts, these forms have to be compliant with local data protection laws and must conform to the requirements of a privacy policy. Therefore, if you are looking to do Google Fonts local integration, you might want to do so in a manner that is acceptable and should know how to use Google Fonts legally compliant manner.
Keep reading on to understand what resulted in admonition from the court on Google Fonts local integration and how you can check Website for Google Fonts, and on how to understand if websites, and their homepage are complaint with and conform with applicable data protection laws and privacy policy requirements.
What is the Ruling of the Munich Regional Court from August 2022?
The German court, in 2022 has declared and issued an admonition that Google Fonts download and embedding Google Fonts DSGVO is not compliant with the General Data Protection Regulation (or GDPR). While a lot of websites choose to avoid the admonition by attempting to make the Google Fonts local integration conform to data protection laws, there are still concerns surrounding the ability to embed locally in Website, in a manner that conforms to DSGVO.
Google Fonts stores information such as IP addresses, which is considered to be personally identifiable information under the European Union’s new data protection laws. Therefore, using Google Fonts and embedding it in your website can be non-compliant with GDPR requirements.
This is because embedding Google Fonts DSGVO may result in Google Fonts storing and recording personally identifiable data or information. The DSGVO or GDPR is often thought to be one of the toughest privacy laws in the world. It therefore comes as no surprise to anyone that Google Fonts local integration through Google Fonts download has resulted in admonition from the courts in Munich. The court also awarded a compensation 100 euros to those affected by such privacy policy violations, while warning websites in its judgement.
Why did this come about?
While a lot of people go for Google Fonts download, and check Website for Google Fonts, what a lot of people do not know is that using Google Fonts, in order embed locally in Website, must be compliant with DSGVO and must conform to the Ruling of the Munich Regional Court from August 2022. Therefore, due care and diligence must be taken before embedding Google Fonts DSGVO, and it is recommended that websites must have a prominent privacy policy which is accessible to users visiting the website, from the homepage.
What are google fonts exactly? How do I check Website for Google Fonts?
Google Fonts are basically fonts owned by Google LLC and provide APIs and IWDs (interactive web directory) through programming languages such as CSS. Since Google Fonts download are free, a lot of people choose to check Website for Google Fonts and use it on their websites and homepage, without checking to see if they are DSGVO compliant.
However, embed Google Fonts DSGVO compliant into the website locally can be problematic, since embedding Google Fonts DSGVO might not conform with GDPR / DSGVO.
One of the easiest ways to check whether a particular website is compliant with the judgement, and to check whether it adheres to the warning is by visiting the homepage of the website. While most websites have a privacy policy, these are not prominently displayed, leading to significant admonition from the court. Further, not displaying the privacy policy prominently, and not conforming to the judgement may also result in a warning, or the requirement to pay compensation, typically by issuing a reminder letter for 100 Euro DSGVO damages.
While a lot of people appreciate the flexibility of the open-source software that Google Fonts offers, it is important to remember that the ruling of the Munich Regional Court from August 2022 has come at a critical juncture, especially when people are becoming more aware and concerned about privacy. While admonition from the court can seem like a small price to pay for convenience, it may also lead to other penalties, which are better avoided.
Google is required to seek consent from the owners of this personal information, before Google can store the information on its servers. It is for this reason that using Abmahnung Google Fonts and embedding it on your website can be considered a violation of GDPR. The reason that these has been emphasized, and a compensation of 100 euros has been awarded, is to ensure that people remain in control of their need for privacy, in today’s increasingly digital age.